Monday, May 19, 2014

The Princess & the Pirate

Our day began as it always does, chatting with friends, signing in, building, and dramatic play...

We headed outside, where the Catbirds attended the highly recommended 5-Star restaurant, The Princess & the Pirate.

This dining experience consists of our in-house chef serving her specialties. Today: apples, bananas, cheese, and pita with hummus.

The arbitrary prices range from a mere 50 cents to an absurd $72, making The Princess & the Pirate always feel new and exciting. Many have described the atmosphere as childlike and playful.

We ate, and we made scrunchy faces...

We then headed to the courtyard for music class

We sang about Swimmy Fish, who meets many other sea creatures

"Swimmy Fish, Swimmy Fish, what do you see? I see a lobster staring at me!"

Friends transformed into different underwater animals, moving their bodies differently depending on the creature. 

There were starfish

And jelly fish, eels, lobsters, and more

Then, we practiced The Mexican Hat Dance, which the Catbirds are becoming increasingly skilled at performing.

After music, we headed back to the Outdoor Classroom. Some Catbirds worked on their superhero portraits, using Mod Podge to glue them to wooden boards.

Songs were sung (about cats!)

Cakes were baked

Friends helped friends across the monkey bars

Inch worms were found

And general springtime fun was had!

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