Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Playing with Rocks

Morning sign in was brief, as we headed off for Meeting for Worship.

We try to calm our bodies as we head over. This is not easy to do, as the route is one of our favorite running spots.

After, we stayed in the meetinghouse and looked around. Carol showed the Catbirds some secret places - a trapdoor in the floor and the wall that use to divide the meetinghouse into the men's side and the women's side.

We had a chance to run and explore on the way back.

We had snack outside, while friends built water machines.

Then, it was time to go to music class.

Aedin played the song where the music gives use the cues - one sound means march, one twirl one way, then twirl another, one is fall down and one is walk on tip toe. It is a great listening exercise.

We showed Aedin our current favorite music video - she is going to help us learn the words, and today, we thought about gestures we could use.

The song has lots of descriptive words in it!

Next, we LIMBO-ED!

Then it was time for the Mexican Hat Dance.

A little more time outside.

We headed off to the rock hill.

It is good climbing fun.

We brought our Andy Goldsworthy art book (aka The Magic Forrest Book). We looked at some of the pictures of the art he made with rocks, and made some of our own.

We had a long discussion about carpenter bees, who look very scary, but who do not sting.

We collected some rocks and headed back.

At Morning Meeting, we got to pick our choices for choice time. We also wrote down the descriptive words that we remembered, for our Descriptive Word Door. 
Then, we did this stuff:

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