Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Princesses Saving Princes?

Early morning sanding

And weaving!

New inventions at the water box

The Catbirds aren't limited to blocks and magnatiles - they are building everywhere!

Music class with Aedín!

We learned to limbo!

(yes, even Amy partook)

Then we headed to the great outdoors to enjoy the great weather

Some friends built a "fireplace"

The process of making said fireplace also allowed them to show off some mighty superhero muscles.

Before lunch, we gathered inside to read The Paper Bag Princess

This story sparked an interesting discussion about princes and princesses. Can princesses save princes? If they choose not to marry each other, what is the reason and who decides?
The Catbirds had some differing ideas, so we will be revisiting this fascinating conversation to figure out what this story is trying to tell us.

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