Monday, October 21, 2013


Mastering the "Y"

Spelling friends' names

Light and shadow are fascinating to friends these days, and they often request that we bring out the screen and projector. If you watch the Catbirds here, you see an astonishing amount of experimentation: "What happens if I do this?" "What kind of shadow shape will this make?" "What if I layer this on top of that?" It's a great way to see how friends this age create and test their own hypotheses.

The early morning woodpecker invasion.

One of our 3 Little Pigs has gone missing. This makes it very difficult to act out one of our favorite stories, so we made posters and went to each of the EC rooms to post them.

There is also a great deal of measuring going on. We are measuring the length of things with rulers and tape measures, and we are measuring time with a variety of sand timers.

Friends helped to order snack for the week. We count up the supplies that we have (i.e. graham crackers, fruit), and then decide how many we think we will need for this week. It is a great way to practice our math and numeracy skills.

We had a birthday celebration today - another 4 year old in the Catbird room AND some delicious cupcakes!

After a few laps around the circle, we headed out to find and meet all of the scarecrows that have appeared around campus.

As we went along, we tried to memorize all of their names.

Then we took a walk through the fields and forest.

We found some tiny acorns.

Then we headed in for lunch. Carol told a scary-silly story, while friends did the sound effects. This inspired quite a few friends to tell their own stories.

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