Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Day of Performances

Our day began with an announcement, from Ironman and Batman, that they would be putting on a puppet show, IN 3-D! We spent awhile in preparation - getting on 3-D glasses, setting up the stage, gathering props and arranging seating for the audience. The performance is here.


After the show and a snack, we headed outside.

We brought out our acorns, and acorn-shelling supplies, and started to crack nuts.

It wasn't easy - especially getting the first crack. Many acorns tried to escape, but friends kept at it.

We also discovered a frog, living in the filter of the pond. Chris moved him into the deepest part of the water, with fascinated friends looking on.

Back inside, Amy and Carol acted out another book: The Chair Where Bear Sits. There was much laughter, and we will be revisiting this one and giving parts to the Catbirds.

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