Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"How To"

The Catbirds are busy from the moment they enter the room.

There is a wonderful level of imagination and creativity that is evidenced in everything the Catbirds do together.

There's cooking in the sandbox...

...figuring out the sand timer...

...reading to friends...

...and taking care of puppies.

Heading into music with Aedin.

We are singing and playing lots of fun games to enhance our sense of rhythm.

Today, we used the smartboard to clap out a beat in 4/4 rhythm.

Outside, we tested our strength and skills in a variety of ways.

We headed out on an adventure.

We gathered for Morning Meeting.

First, we talked about Meeting for Worship. We looked at the building where the big kids go, and started a conversation about joining them sometime soon. We will first have a chance to see the meeting house and to meet with some other classes from EC, before we go in with the Lower School.

Next, we learned about "How To Books." Carol showed the Catbirds a number of examples of books that teach you how to do things - from building forts to caring for dogs. We discussed our building skills, and how we would begin to write our own "How To" book about all that we have learned so far. Friends had lots of ideas and were excited about being the authors of our own books.

After Morning Meeting, friends had time to explore, as well as look at the new books that we had brought.

The Catbirds are always happy when we are out on an adventure!

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