Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A High Energy Day

There was a buzz in the Catbird room, that began at sign in time, and continued all day. It seemed everyone wanted to do everything!

Some friends helped drain the water from the acorns, to get them ready to grind up.

Other friends put on a puppet show for friends. What we lacked in storyline, was made up for by puppet tickling.

 We had a bit of high speed racing and climbing...

...before we headed off to music class.

We sang and danced.

Alicia came and taught us a song in Spanish.

Raji brought out his guitar, and encouraged friends to try it.

Amy and Carol re-enacted The Chair Where Bear Sits,  in high speed - much to the amusement of the Catbirds. Tomorrow, we will give parts to the Catbirds, and see how we do.

We also had a replay of The Little Red Hen,  with an additional actor. Friends are getting increasingly interested in storytelling and performing, and we are beginning to talk about what makes a show/story more interesting and entertaining.

Other friends helped to grind up the acorns into a kind of paste. We will continue to soak the nuts until the bitter tannins are leached out. Then, we will grind them even finer into a flour, dry them out and make acorn pancakes!

Meanwhile, other friends worked on story performances.

We learned The Tortellini Song.

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