Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming!

Journal, journal , journal.

Debbie Green (or Doiley Debbie, as we call her this time of year), came around this morning to do a Secret Project with the Catbirds.

There was lots of serious consultation and discussion, as everyone got involved.

After a much needed snack, we had Morning Meeting, where we had a Moment of Elephant Noises and a Moment of silence. Then, the Elephant and Pig puppets came to read us an Elephant and Piggie Book.

For choice Time, we had an exciting and very popular new option - Playing Store & Restaurant out in the Commons. We went downstairs and got another shopping cart, more cash registers and more play food. The Commons was a very busy place!

We also had Flubber, the Easel and Books, in the room.

Letter Writing was another new choice. Friends dictated letters to other friends at AFS. Then, they signed them, (some decorated them), put them in envelopes and put on one of the stamps we bought from the 1st graders.

After we cleaned up, we headed outside to play. Apparently, we forgot to take the camera with us, so you'll just have to trust me on this.

After lunch, friends took walks to one of the two mailboxes located in the Lower School, to mail their letters. This project is exciting for the whole Lower School, and it is getting friends more and more excited about using writing as a way to communicate.

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