Friday, January 11, 2013

Snack and a Movie

Today friends came in and got straight to work, journaling and sculpting tall mountains, towering castles and quacking ducks out of play dough.  

For snack we headed to another classroom where we met the Owls to watch The Winter Program. Friends were very excited to see themselves on the large screen. Friends sang along as they watched themselves sing the 'Hello' and 'Fill the World with Happiness' songs. We also watched the rest of Lower School and their performances; friends liked seeing their siblings and friends. The Catbirds favorite part was the Jellyfish! 

After the performance was over, we headed back to our classroom for Choice Time and Morning Meeting. Danielle read us a story called This is the Jacket I wear in the Snow. Friends enjoyed this book because they were able to help read along using the pictures in the book. Once the story was finished, friends chose what center they wanted to go to. Today's choices were: Watercolors, Play dough, Magnitiles and the Rice Table.  

After Choice Time, we headed outside to play. When we got outside, we noticed a new addition to our Outdoor Classroom, an Easel! Friends used washable markers and drew pictures and letters to decorate  the board. But this easel is not just an ordinary easel - it's magical. Once friends were finished, you just wipe the easel down and your art work disappears! Before our pictures were finished, we had to quickly head inside to play and eat lunch because it started to rain! It was a wet but nice way to finish the day!

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