Monday, January 14, 2013

Music and Medicine

We started off with our journals, but before we could all finish, it was time to head off for Music class!

We were going to sneak up on Jason, so we were tip-toeing down the hallway when we realized that Jason was sneaking up behind us!

There were some interesting things in the music room.

We formed a circle around them and sang a few songs.

Then Jason told us about the drums and all of their parts.

Next, we got to pick our drums and play them. We played them loud and soft, fast and slow, with our whole hands, our fingers and just our fingernails.

After we had finished with our drums, we went to another part of the room. Jason had a book their called, Jazz Baby. He told us that, pretty soon, an artist who plays a kind of music called jazz, will be coming to visit our school. He will meet with our class and play us some music.

Then, Jason read us the book, which had it's own kind of rhyme and rhythm to it - and parts for us to say and beats for us to repeat.

Before we knew it, it was time to go.

We had some time to finish our journals and play.

Then it was time for snack and Morning Meeting. After our Moment of Loudness and our Moment of Silence, we read a brand new book.

First, we opened the book and smelled what a brand new book smells like (some friends thought it was like peppermint). The book was called, Sitting in My Box. About a boy who was, you guessed it, sitting in his box, when he is joined by a bunch of very large animals! The Catbirds liked this story a lot, because it was so silly.

Then, it was Choice Time. Friends are getting very good at deciphering the words and pictures on the cards, and also good at making Choices. Today, friends picked between: Rice Table, Magnatiles on the table, Easel, Books and Dramatic Play with doctors' kits (we noticed that friends were playing doctor earlier, so we brought in some medical supplies. This was a very popular choice.

We also started a new activity: The Daily Question. Each day we will ask friends a survey question, and they will write their name in  the "Yes or No" column. Today's question, apropos of their dramatic play, was: "Do you like to go to the doctors?" This activity will encourage friends to think more about questions (they will help compose the daily question), to think about their own answers, and to become aware that their friends have opinions and ideas that are sometimes the same and sometimes different. Further, it introduces the concepts of less and more, and mathematical concepts of less and more, along with counting. Lastly, it encourages friends to write their names, or at least some letters of their name.

After Choice Time, we headed outside into the Spring or Fall-like weather. There were some new hula hoops, which friends found all kinds of uses for.

And there were wild animals everywhere!

Then, we headed back inside for more books before lunch. It was another lovely day with the Catbirds.

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