Monday, January 14, 2013

Español con los Catbirds: Los colores

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos! Welcome! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! The Catbirds have begun the New Year learning the Spanish vocabulary words for colors. After our traditional morning greeting in Spanish, Matthew had us go to Mexico en avión. Upon our return, we settled into this Spanish speaking country and gathered in a círculo. Next, we read a simple book which introduced us to the Spanish vocabulary words for some of the basic colores.  

red – rojo

orange – anaranjado

yellow - amarillo

green – verde

blue – azul

brown – café

black – negro

For ultimate comprehension, it is better to dedicate time to each color separately therefore, we focused this clase de Español to the color rojo. After our reading, the Catbirds were invited to participate in a busca el color rojo (find the color red) activity that allowed for them to use, or at least indicate comprehension of, the new vocabulary. Amazing! The Catbirds not only learned how to say the color red in Spanish but they were able to build good learning connections in their brains as they found objects around the room that were rojo. Go ahead. Ask your child to point to something rojo. You too will be astonished!

We finished our class with our traditional song, Adios, hasta luego, and Matthew squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Matt!

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje! (Until our next flight.)


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