Monday, October 15, 2012

At Last!

We spent the early morning journaling, putting together new puzzles,

and figuring out the letters in our names. Some friends picked out their letters, others matched them letter by letter.

Then we worked hard to get the tiny letters on the skinny string. It was a challenge!

At Morning Meeting, we sang a few favorite songs, had our Moment of Silence. and then talked about our big day. We were finally going to get to play on the new..........What should we call it? Play structure just doesn't do it. We will work on this. We had snack.

Then out we went!

At first, we ran and jumped and screamed.

Then we danced and flew and began selling things out of our grocery store.

We giggled and hid and had secret meetings and climbed.

We are liking it, a lot....whatever it's called.

Back inside, we built...

...and beaded.

Then Gwen, the librarian, came to read us a story (Is There Something On My Head). This marks the beginning of a regular rotation with Gwen, Jason (music) and Sam (art). We will also be adding in Spanish with Alicia twice a 7 day cycle.

Lots of good stuff heading our way.

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