Monday, December 10, 2012

Some Days, A Title is Hard to Come By

It was a morning of new hats and books and journals - just the way we like it!

Then, we got into the tape. Initially, they were letters and maps. Eventually, they turned into mostly tape.

After Morning Meeting, we had a very busy Choice Time. Friends were painting at the easel...

...building with Duplos...

...and mixing and pouring colored rice.

We also read books (because the book area is ALWAYS open), and worked on a secret project (there are no pictures of the Secret Project, for obvious reasons).

Outside, we played. Many friends enjoyed the wetness of the day, and eagerly put on their boots for puddle and pond jumping. 

We discovered that our paper airplanes don't like the wet, so much.
After we had gotten good and wet, it was already time to go in for stories and lunch.

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