Friday, December 14, 2012

Hard Working Catbirds

The Catbirds finished their last box this morning! Friends helped Carol put the finishing touches on the box!

After all the boxes were finished friends got together and played in them. While other friends used watercolors to help decorate different shapes for Winterfest.

The Catbirds are very excited to show off their painted stars, gingerbread people, cars, hearts and even dinosaurs to the rest of the school.

Next, we had Morning Meeting and a Moment of Silence. Carol gave each friend a special spot and we pretended that we were fast race cars zooming around a track. After our race was over we sat on our spots and practiced singing our songs that Jason taught us.

 We finished up our morning with a quick visit to nurse Heidi were Danielle read us books and we sang some more songs. Then we headed outside to play on our Outdoor Classroom. Once friends were finished running, stump jumping and digging we headed inside to watch Carol and Danielle eat our lunches. 

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