Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Come On In!

Picture of the Day
After all of our busy running around yesterday, we decided to take it a little easy today. We spent some time doing our journals.

And some time lounging in a big box. The question of "How many Catbirds fit in this box?", was a fascinating study in problem-solving, It also showed how making friends happy has become much more of a motivation in our classroom. (Oh, and the answer was 4, although they really wished it was 5).

Alicia came for Spanish this morning. We played a fun game about counting, and then worked on another song for the Winter Program.

Then, some 4rth graders came in to talk to us. One of them we all knew - Carol's son Lucas! They told us all about the toy drive, and about the toy wrapping party that's coming up. You will be getting a flier with more information, but the Catbirds liked the idea of decorating the wrapping paper themselves with crayons and markers.

We went on an outing to see if Sam had a yardstick we could borrow.

She did, only it was a meter stick. She is so modern.

We used the meter sticks to draw squares on our board, and then to find the middle of our squares by drawing X's. We found out that our X's turned our squares into four triangles!


After our Moment of Silence, we sang a few songs, and then read a book called, "Uno, Dos, Tres, One, Two, Three." In the story, we got to count in English and Spanish, and we also learned how to say 'Happy Birthday' (Feliz Compleandos!).

At Choice Time, Carol brought a giant bag of rice to the empty sand table. Friends had to figure out how to get it open. They tried using just their hands, but that didn't work. Then they got various tools from the kitchen.

They finally decided on a butter knife, and everyone poked a hole in the bag.
Then they used their muscles to open it more and tip it over. 

Meanwhile, there was more rice in the Art Center. We added color to it and friends were stirring it up. When it dries, we will add it into the sand table.

It was time to go outside. The Catbirds continue to be fascinated with walking on the stumps. They like to form a long line and work their way down the stumps over and over - testing their balance and agility.

We are also beginning to let friends take the camera for awhile (you may be able to guess some of the pictures that are the Catbird's work). Some friends learned to use the camera last year, others will be learning over the next few weeks. We will be sharing and displaying some of their photos - prepare to be amazed.

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