Monday, December 17, 2012


We had a lovely early morning today - journaling, reading and just being together.

Debbie Green came to visit and create origami puppets for the Catbirds.


We read books, in pairs and in boxes.

And played with some new toys in the sensory table. After a brief runabout outside, we sat down for Morning Meeting and talked about where we were going next - to rehearsal with the other EC classes. Then, we got our spots/steering wheels in hand and headed off to meet Jason.

We did great, singing our songs on the stage! Tomorrow morning, we will get to perform at Morning Assembly for the Lower School.

After rehearsal, we headed outside.

Friends built forts and houses, played music and tag, and even organized bus trips to the aquarium (imaginations are in full bloom, these days!) In addition, some friends went inside to work on Secret Projects. Before we knew it, it was time to head in for a story and lunch.

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