Friday, November 9, 2012

Two Great Days!

Thursday morning began with Music class with Jason. Throughout the entire Music Class, friends have an ear to ear grin on their faces. We began Music with the "Hello" song. Instead of clapping, we patted our knees and stomped our feet. Next, Jason taught us a new song that involved the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8. Once we learned all the words, Jason handed out rhythm sticks to play along with the song. First, we banged the sticks together. Next, we banged them against the ground. Lastly, we pretended that we were drummers, and we drummed them on our red spots. Using the rhythm sticks was a lot of fun but also tricky because when the song ended, we needed to keep our sticks extra still. To wrap up Music class, Jason sang us the song, "We all sing with the same voice." Friends very much enjoyed this song because Jason had a book and CD that went along with the song. After singing so beautifully, we said our goodbyes to Jason and thanked him for teaching us two new songs! 

After Music Class, we headed back to our classroom to finish our journals, eat snack and have Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. Next, we headed outside. Friends are becoming very creative in coming up with new games and activities to play outside. Some friends pretended they were bears hiding out in a dark forest. Others found a bucket full of water and were dipping their hands in the bucket and making hand prints on the bench. 

To finish up our Thursday, we had Art with Sam. Sam told us that we can mix the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow together to make other colors. First, friends mixed the red and yellow paint to make orange. Next, we mixed the red and blue paint to make purple, then the blue and yellow to make green. The Catbirds were so impressed that they were calling themselves Magicians. We then traded in our magical wands or paint brushes for magical forks and spoons to enjoy our delicious lunches. Another successful Catbird day!

Today our morning started with the Catbirds making one another delicious coffee and cookies, as well as building gigantic castles and buildings.

After friends were stuffed from the coffee and cookies, we had Morning Meeting and Moment of Silence. Recently during Morning Meeting, friends have been telling one another to close their eyes, so we discussed that if you can see that your friends are not closing their eyes, it means that you are not closing your eyes. So we tried another Moment of Silence where all the Catbirds kept their eyes shut.  

Danielle read us a story called, "The Little Engine that Could." The Catbirds helped read the story by saying the, "I think I can, I think I can" part of the book as well as making the different noises the engines make throughout the story. 

To finish the morning, the Catbirds chugged and puffed outside where they spent the rest of their morning. 

 Soon after playing outside, the Catbirds had to quickly get inside, take their coats off and sit down to eat lunch, before Danielle ate them first! Danielle was grumpy that the Catbirds ate all of their lunches! But that's okay because the Catbirds took a nap, and everything went back to normal! What a great way to end the week!

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