Wednesday, November 28, 2012


More boxes arrived today.

Some were big enough for friends to hide inside.

Every few minutes, lots of Catbirds would disappear,

and then pop out again! Peels of laughter filled the room

When we were nearly bursting at the seams with silliness, we headed outside for a run-about.

The Catbirds are loving the new marimba!

We headed back in for a story (The Gruffalo, one of our favorites), and snack.

We had Morning Meeting, and talked about who was missing. Today, it was Danielle, who is home sick. Friends talked about when they were sick, and we decided to write her a note after nap. We had a new friend, Olivia, with us today, who was very fun. We sang some songs, and then talked about choices for Choice Time. 

The Water Beads were a popular destination

Some friends worked on puzzles.

There were many flying ships in the magnatile area.

And Box Decorating was being undertaken with intense concentration - and much glue and tape.

Before we knew it, it was time to clean up and go visit Gwen in the library. She read us a book called, Oh No! There were many animals in it, so we helped her with the sounds. Best of all, she had animal puppets! Even bester of all, she let us take them back to our room to play with!

After Library time, we headed back outside to play with all of our EC friends, before we went back in for lunch. Over our meal, we got to impress Olivia with our abilities both to eat growing food AND have scintillating conversation. She was impressed.

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