Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The morning began with with some housekeeping. We returned a few books to the library.

And, after doing our journals, we had some time to play instruments, and engage in some very inventive dramatic play.

Then, Jason stopped by to talk about the schedule for our next music class. Carol was telling him how interested the Catbirds have been in making sounds, how much they enjoy drumming, and how they really want to play our drums with sticks (unfortunately, our drums are only for hands). Jason said he had the perfect drums in his music room, and that he would share them with us this morning. He brought them to us, and gave us a quick lesson in how to use them.

They were big enough for four or five friends to play at a time!
We played them excitedly for awhile, until it was time for Morning Meeting.

After our Moment of Silence, Carol got out some props to tell friends that she and Tamara would be getting on a plane tomorrow to fly to Atlanta and teach some teachers at a very big conference. She will try and call the Catbirds from Georgia, and she will be back on Monday.

We also talked about voting - a interesting exercise in explanation, although many friends knew the name "Barack Obama," they had varied ideas about who he is.

Next, we brought out the instruments again. We added the harp and the rainsticks and decided to try and make a thunderstorm. It looked something like this.


While some friends were outside, others came in to continue our painting study of Black and White.


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