Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Our morning reunion was a happy happening.

A little spider catching for fine motor skills.

And shredding.

There were superheroes and puppy dogs running about.

And art.

We headed outside and had some more discussions on the topic; 

What is funny?

In October…

Keira - Somebody that makes funny noises, like goo-gee-ga-ga

Madhava – Potty pot

Seren – An airplane with legs and a clown nose

Sidra – Nothing

Jessica – Face with silly eyes and scary faces

Matthew – Starface

Setth – laughing

Benji – Monkey in a tree eating oranges and having a party

Liam – When silly apples talk

Outside, we talked, told stories, played games, built buildings and obstacles, fixed the water table and got really wet.

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