Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Build Friendships

A busy early morning as the Catbirds work on tasks of their choosing.

Then we headed to Meeting for Worship in the music room.

Friends worked on a puppet show.

Art was a big part of our day.

And this....

...and this.

We finished up our Cstbird Story illustrations, and  worked on some art for our display.

Three pilots.

Out on another beautiful day.

Outside, we tested our skills and muscles.

And worked on our friendship skills - some high level negotiations involving money (leaves) and property (benches).

And some power tools, because we like power tools.

Giant construction projects - requiring both engineering AND negotiation.

Morning Meeting.

A new book, brought in by a Catbird to share.

It got many thumbs up, and quite a few moose ears in the ratings.

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