Monday, October 5, 2015

Back in the Groove of Things

We began our Monday with some Español con Alicia

We worked on our colors using the Brown Bear book

Back in the room, we resumed our play. Some friends traveled to the beach.

Grand structures were built

And before we knew it, it was time for Music class with Keisha!

We pretended to be Jack-in-the-Boxes

We hid in our boxes...

...and then POPPED out!

We sang "There's a little wheel turning in my heart"

Back for books and snack

We headed out on a big adventure today!

We found the Puddle Tree!

There were no puddles, but lots of cool sticks

Leaves bigger than our heads!

We found our destination: the magical land of stumps

We took a stump back to our room, which will be used to hammer on in the coming week

Off to the jungle...

We found the climbing trees!

And then met up with our friends at A Step Up Academy's playground

Back in time for lunch, the Catbirds were tired and ready to be refueled

What a wonderfully adventurous Monday it was!

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