Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Art and Applesauce

Friends were helpful with each other at sign in today.

And as they built together.

Since it was such a beautiful morning, we decided to head outside early.

Soon, we were ready for an adventure.

A couple of friends brought maps to guide us along our way.

We caught some Catbirds in a big net!

We found a nice spot near the creek to stop and have snack.

We made sunbutter cracker sailboats.

Friends found sticks and did some fishing.

Before heading back, we stopped for hydrating squirts.

We stopped at the dragon's nest.

Then headed in for morning meeting.

We read another new book, and friends were eager to look at it more closely.

Amy did an Observational Drawing demonstration.

We started making applesauce.

Friends worked on their drawings/paintings.

There was some cool light reflecting on the table, and we tried to figure out why.
After lunch, the applesauce was ready.
It was delicious!

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