Monday, April 7, 2014

Simple Machine - Catapult Construction

Many AMAZING buildings were created today.

The Catbirds worked on their "My Dragon," projects - writing out the name of their dragon and locating its home on the map of Dragon Land.

Friends read some of our new books together.

De-construction required safety measures.

Then it was time for Music class with Aedin.

We got to try out some new instruments - choir chimes!

Many friends volunteered to stand solo, or with a friend, and sing a song we are working on. The Catbirds are growing more confident with their voices.

After snack, we headed outside to beat the rain.

At Morning Meeting, we passed out clothespins and friends shared observations about what they are and how they work. We focused on the spring action, and talked about the simple machine we will be constructing - a catapult! We looked at some examples in books that we borrowed.

Then, it was Choice TIme!

We had gears.

Moon Sand!

And books.

My Dragon work.

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