Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

A few crown-wearing photos from yesterday...

This morning we came in ready for Earth Day!!!

Carol sang an Earth Day song (that sounded eerily similar to the Happy Birthday tune...)

BeyBlade playing

Measuring friends

And of course some amazing building

Sharing secrets and dancing to imagined music...

We joined the other classes outside for an Earth Day Meeting For Worship outside

We headed to our community garden to turn over some dirt

We made worm friends

Snack and tree climbing came next

And we were off to do more good Earth Day deeds

The Catbirds picked up trash that was littering our woodsy campus

But we didn't just find trash... we also found treasures! We decided to keep these discarded items and RECYCLE them for later use.

Back on the playground, a maintenance worker was fixing up the pond. Naturally, this intrigued the Catbirds to no end, and they stuck around for the action.

Friends figured out that they could measure the depth of the water with long sticks. When they pushed the stick to the floor of the pond and brought it back out, they noted placement of the water line on the stick.

We had a busy Earth Day. After playing outside, we headed in for Library.

Below is a photo of the four objects we found to recycle: A bucket, a pencil, a frisbee, and a pair of tongs.

Before rest time, the Catbirds provided theatrical entertainment for Carol and Amy in a production of Frozen's "Let It Go." Below is a clip of what will clearly be their future Broadway debut:

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