Friday, September 27, 2013

Our GIANT Adventure

Our morning began with much building, writing, reading and journaling.

Light blocks were added to the material mix.

Music with Aedin, in the classroom.

Mike caught a mouse outside, and friends took turns looking at it before he let it go in the woods.

Heading out on our adventure.

Steering the wagon, loaded down with our supplies.

Our first rest stop.

Second stop, to climb some trees and collect some treasures.

Buddying up.

Instructions for crossing the street.

Into the woods.

Time to race down the big hill.

The playhouse.

Running up and racing down.

Keeping hydrated.

Reading on the stage.

Catching leaves as they fall.


Climbable art.

Climbable hill #2.

Climbable trees.


Ropes are handy on adventures.

Packing up.

Heading back.

Exploring a tree stump.

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