Thursday, September 19, 2013

Adventures with Ninth Graders

Make sure to check out the video at the end of the blog - a message from today's visiting 9th graders!

The uses for the Bilibo have finally expanded!

Many new and creative buildings are appearing.

Interest in journaling is growing.

Young musicians, composing.

The 9th graders arrive, and help put name tags on everyone.

We are VERY excited to play with these new friends.

Snack time together.

And we are off!

Stop off at our rock mountain.

Some friends come by and show us the vegetables that they just picked from the school garden.

 Water break.

Showing the puddle tree.

We brought lots of books and lots of balls

Learning to throw and catch.

101 uses for jump ropes.

Fishing in the creek.

What The Catbirds Taught the Ninth Graders

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