Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Grand Plan

Tomorrow, after Music, we are planning on heading out on a Grand Adventure. We will travel far, so please be sure your Catbird has good walking/running shoes on. We will also be transporting our lunches, to eat out in the wilderness, so plan a lunch that is picnic friendly (I have no idea how this differs from a regular lunch, I just felt compelled to say it). Also, sunscreen will be important.

Our Catbird architects have been very busy.

When the Catbirds started making "tracks for balls," we got out some special building materials to create marble runs.

Friends can almost always be found reading to themselves or with others.

These pictures are from late yesterday, as we worked on putting together our family books.
(If you haven't done so, PLEASE finish your family books and bring them in next week.)

The Catbirds were fascinated by the binding machine.

Art Class. Amanda introduced different sizes of paintbrushes and watercolor.

We often run into friends and family when we are out and about.

Posing for our class photo.

Finally, outside!

Puppies gathering on puppy beds.

Moving heavy loads.

Another building quandary: How to merge the vehicles of Batman, Superman, The Green Lantern, several Princesses and a few puppies.

Whatever it is, it has a stick shift!

New passenger.

Music time!

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