Monday, September 23, 2013

Harvest Time

Lots of excited journaling today.

Cakes were created in the sandbox.

We checked to see who was here and who was not.

When we looked at the names of who was missing, the Catbirds noticed a pattern - the names all began with "L"!

A herd? flock? gaggle? of puppies went to the office to give attendance to Tricia.

This puppy was "just born."

More in the ongoing series of "Things on our Heads."

Figuring out the abacuses (abaci?)

Things that match.

Cooking outdoors.

Name cards.

The final harvest in our garden.

A surprise visitor!

Checking out his tiny feet.

Examining the roots.

Composting our bean plants.

Getting the soil ready for replanting.

"A leaky tree."

After it turns white, it's not sticky anymore because, "It turns stubborn."

Choice time: Letters and Numbers.

Beading our names.

Number blocks.

Writing letters.

Reading with friends.

The Owls brought us a present - their new alphabet book!

Ready for a rest.

Friends who are awake take a trip to the compost.

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