Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bears and Buckeyes

Signing in.

Taking care of the guinea pigs.

Journaling. Most friends have started journaling, and are getting the hang of hole punching and drawing. Some are just learning to add words. We have also begun to have friends dictate stories, and these will be added into the journals and/or made into storybooks.

Music class.


Negotiating play.

Baking cupcakes with friends.

Walking the plank.

Carol's new boot has a button that turns her into a robot!

Heading off on an adventure.

A stop at the Puddle Tree.

The Puddle Tree is a regular stop on our walkabouts. It is so named because puddles often form among its roots, and the Catbirds like to stop and count them.

The, we went in search of Bears and Buckeyes. We didn't find the buckeyes, but some friends spotted a few (imaginary) bears:
"I'm going to scare it away with my MONSTER voice!"
"Amy, you have to watch out for those BOY BEARS!"

A good climbing tree.

A pause to read a book.

Lunch time!

Some things we do during nap/quiet time.

Reading to a friend.

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