Monday, September 30, 2013

Nuts and Seeds

Our morning routine.

Music class. Aedin is working with us on paying attention to different kinds of sounds and rhythms, and responding to changes in beat and tone.

After a little run around time, we gathered some tools and the wagon and headed off.

We headed to the compost pile to get some new soil for our garden bed.

Friends found new dirt, as well as a number of crawling critters as we dug in.

After we loaded up our wagon, we headed back.


We stopped at the rock mountain, to gather tools for acorn smashing.

We worked in our garden bed, turning in the compost and breaking up dirt clods.

Back in the room, we sorted through our acorns, to find the ones that had no holes or flaws. This is a mathematical/organizational skill that many of the Catbirds are currently developing, and one in which that they were very invested. There were very close observations and opinions about what constituted a perfect acorn, and what might have caused the various flaws. 

Next, we donned our safety goggles and grabbed our rocks, to see if we could get some good nuts.

We worked hard on our acorn opening technique - trying to find the balance between opening the shells and smashing them to smithereens. We discovered a few good nuts, but decided that we need to go gather more fresh acorns tomorrow.

We finished a couple more family books today. Friends love to help put their books together, and are fascinated by the book binder.

These last photos were taken by our Catbird photographers.