Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Springtime Joy

We began the day with all smiles

...and building, of course. Above is "a city for animals."

Today we had our weekly Spanish class with Alicia.

So we got on a plane and flew to Mexico

Much salsa practice

The Catbirds were very busy today exploring, studying, and cooperating.

There were excellent interactions and goings-on in every corner of the room.

At snack time, we introduced cucumbers. Despite Carol and Amy's efforts to stop them, the Catbirds ate every single slice!

And with growing food to give us energy, we flew outdoors to enjoy this beautiful spring day.

For our current study of superheroes and princesses/princes, Carol documented the Catbirds' ideas for upcoming research. We will have a lot to study!

I think the warm weather inspired friends with the power of flight!

More jumping!

And more flying!

And much happiness.

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