Friday, April 18, 2014

Dancing the Salsa

The Catbirds have been trying their hands at small legos this week - and when I say "trying their hands," that's just what I mean. this size of legos takes a great deal of fine motor strength and coordination, and friends have been working hard to get them to work - with impressive success!

We (mostly) got signed in and did some jobs around the room (like taking care of the guinea pigs), and then it was time for assembly.

It was an assembly in Spanish, in which we got to both view AND participate.

After the hello song, the EC was introduced and all four classes took the stage to dance the salsa!

Then, the older grades came up and performed the merengue.

Back in our room, we had snack, and then music class with Aedin. We learned a new song about ducklings, as well as a new rhythm.

We took turns playing out the rhythm, as we sang.

Then, we danced a to another new song.

Aedin read us a book about birds, while music called The Swan played.

We each got to dance to the music.

Amy read us a new dragon book - with great voices.

Then, it was Choice Time. One choice was to go outside.

Moon sand was a popular choice.

Outside, we finished our last Bean Bag catapult, and the other classes came to help us test them out.

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