Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Español con los Catbirds: Los cinco sentidos (The five senses)

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas y amigos de los Catbirds! This week was Callum’s, a.k.a. Super Boy’s, turn to choose our destination for our Spanish language experience. After glancing at the map that shows all the countries where Spanish is the primary language spoken, “Super Boy” aimed for México. Once we determine our mode of transportation (avión), we headed towards this country whose official name is Estados Únidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States).

Once settled comfortably in a círculo, los Catbirds were introduced to los cinco sentidos, the five senses. Since we have been learning the Spanish vocabulary for some body parts as well as facial components, we thought los Catbirds could learn what function some of these body parts have. To help us begin this study we read Aliki’s book, Mis cinco sentidos.

New Vocabulary Introduced:
ver – see
tocar – touch
oler – smell
oir – hear
saborear – savor/taste

We then had a brief discussion about how most people have five senses that we use as a way to experience what is around us. We do this by touching, smelling, tasting, seeing and hearing.

New Vocabulary Introduced:
Con mis ojos, yo  veo. – With my eyes, I see.
Con mis dedos, yo  toco. – With my fingers, I touch.
Con mi nariz, yo huelo. – With my nose, I smell.
Con mis orejas, yo oigo. – With my ears, I hear.
Con mi lengua, yo saboreo. – With my tongue, I taste.

Following our mini-intro to the five senses, los Catbirds used their cinco sentidos to rehearse the salsa dance moves with a partner. Stay tuned...  

We finished our class with our traditional song, Adios, hasta luego, and “Super Boy” squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Callum, a.k.a. Super Boy!

 ¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!  



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