Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Day Downstairs

The architectural design continues, as friends learn the names of new shapes and forms.

Friends also wanted to design closed in cars - so we went on a box hunt.

Then, we headed downstairs, where we could stretch out and run a bit.

We had snack, while we were there.

There were dinosaur battles - the rules of which a quite complex. Apparently, they tend to fight to the death, but there is quite are quite differing views on what constitutes a fatal blow. Learning the process of negotiation and give and take, is an ongoing effort in the Catbird classroom - even in the toughest venues.

Then, it was time to head to Music and Movement.

We begin each class now with Aedin playing a song on the piano - the different sounds of which tell us how to move. The Catbirds really enjoy this, and are very adept and listening and knowing when to march or tiptoe or spin.

We are also working on the Mexican Hat Dance - another test of our ability to listen and respond the the beat and the music.

Today, we started to work in pairs.

We watched a video of some other kids doing the dance, to get some pointers.

Finally, we listened to a classical piece and took turns dancing with scarves, as friends mimicked each others moves.

Back at the room, we had a meeting, and decided to move downstairs for the rest of the morning. Friends chimed in with the items and activities that they would like to bring down with us.

When we got back down there, the Doves were there! So, we got to participate in their activities, and they in ours.

We built with new materials, and played a variety of new games. We also did some work, one on one, with our storytelling.

Back upstairs, we read, The Twelve Dancing Princesses - which is part of our study of storytelling.

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