Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Back to Some of Our Favorite Spots.

Morning activities.

Starting a new, very challenging puzzle.

Outside early, because it was too beautiful to stay inside.

Snack outside.

Waiting for Music class, we made plans for tomorrows big adventure.

Music class!

Friends reading together.

friends making faces together.

Out and about. We began with our traditional race around the circle.

We stopped to visit a good climbing tree. We checked out different ways to hang on the tree - experimenting with where the branches were stronger and weaker.

Checking out one of the dragon's hiding places.

Our Red Light, Green Light spot.

Taking some time to fly.

We heard bird song, and tracked down our feathered friend.

A visit with friends and siblings.

Catbirds trapped in the Dragon's Nest.

Saving each other from burning lava.

Trying out some bigger catapults, after rest time.

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