Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Helping hands

 Catbirds drivers assisted to a truck meeting where they talked about speed limits and parking restrictions.

Snack time and story time.

Today in art class Catbirds used brushes and neon tempera to create beautiful and bright pictures.

After Art class Friends explored the little garden across the Art room and they found a secret passage.

Friends built a train before going outside.
Senior catbird Molly was helping junior catbirds to zip up their jackets before going to the playground.

During morning meeting we talked about people that are alone and we discussed how we can help them. Each Catbird gave interesting and creative ideas about what should be the best way to help a lonely person.
After morning meeting friends had choice time and one of the choices was to decorate "wooden cookies". Each Catbird will have a cookie with a picture of his face on it and we will use them to take turns and more.

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