Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Water and Clay

This morning some friends worked on their letters.

And vehicle construction.

Before we headed out to Meeting for Worship in the music room.

When we returned, today's snack helper got to work preparing snack.

While our builders constructed some amazing buildings.

Then it was out into the sunshine!

Water in all of its functions continues to be a major fascination for many Catbirds.

Each day, a new river is constructed. Lately, with multiple bridges. There is ongoing discussion about what makes, and prevents, a river from flowing.

Water flow is tested against a variety of objects.

And water is used to concoct all kinds of edibles and drinkables. Today, Carnival Lemonade with and without bugs was on tap.

Next it was time for art! We returned to clay, this time of the red variety.

Amanda showed us how to punch our clay flat, to make tiles.

Then how to press all kinds of interesting objects into it, to make patterns and designs.

Back in the room, we had some choice time. We made patterns with squigz.

And with leggos.

We ended our morning with a game of Red Light, Green Light, out in the garden.

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