Friday, October 26, 2018

Assembly and Adventure

We had assembly this morning.

Keisha introduced some lower school friends who have been working with her and the upper school choir director.

They sang two beautiful songs.

Then Amanda the art teacher introduced us to a project we would be doing, called "Kindness Rocks."

We stopped in the cafeteria kitchen to visit Nancy and see what was cookin'. She gave us some cookies.

We did a quick la run outside.

Back in our room, we had lots of projects - from examining our polished and unpolished rocks, to using strong fingers to get the indian corn off of the cobs.

There were many new buildings built, photographed and described for our building book.

We followed up with yesterdays experiment to see what our beads had turned into.

We tried out our new bread maker.

We went out on an adventure to check out the scarecrows.

Lunch and then rest time.

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