Monday, October 15, 2018

A Visit with an Author/Illustrator

Some morning activities.

Then we headed to the Music room to meet Floyd Cooper, our visiting author/illustrator.

He showed us how to draw with an eraser! Its one of the ways he does his illustrations.

Then he had different friends make scribbles and he turned them into art!

He was smart and funny and pretty great.

He gave us erasers of our own. The Catbirds had all of them, so we were in charge of distribution. We had to go to each EC and kindergarten class and find out how many students they had. Then, we counted the erasers out and delivered them.

Feeding Paddywhack the guinea pig.

Outside, it was a beautiful day. A little cool and crisp, with a breeze that kept the mosquitoes away.

We did a lot of climbing and swinging and sliding.

The monkey bars are the big challenge for our younger Catbirds.

Figuring out how to make a river run is one of the challenges for some of our older Catbirds.

The various properties of dirt, wood, water and plant matter when mixed together keeps our young chefs busy.

Morning meeting as we describe what we will be doing at choice time.

Friends were very eager to dig into the pumpkin goop.

While others worked on our picture blocks.

Cutting out letters is very challenging.

Then we built a ginormous tower.

Another great day in Catbird Land.

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