Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Bear with a Busy Schedule

Sign in time. Some friends are working on their letters by first tracing over them on their laminated sign in card, to build up fluency in creating letter shapes.

Bear Witness spent the night in Cris' kindergarten. We went to pick them up this morning.

Friends making stories with Mini Bear Witness and their friends.

Meeting for Worship together on the rug.

We constructed a building together. Each block was a breath.

Then it was time to deliver BearWitness to their next appointment, the fourth grade class.

They told us that BW would be watching them write in cursive and then going with them to interview the builders at the new gym job site.

We made sure that some of them were licensed to drive the wagon. We also gave them important BW care and feeding instructions.

Carolye thought Bear Witness might like some animal crackers for later.

We had Choice Time,

which included snack and the spreading of hummus.

Next, it was time for Art!

Amanda showed us a tile that had already been glazed and fired.

She explained that we would be adding the first letters of our names to our tiles.

We rolled some new clay and created our letters.

We headed out into the beautiful day!

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