Monday, October 1, 2018

Inside Outside Day

Our day began with sign in and free play. Both tigers and dragons were threatening our babies and their families.

Friends revisited some of our new books.

And worked together to dig and build in the sandbox.

After clean up, we sat down together for a snack of oranges and crackers with sun butter.
We gathered for morning meeting and read our book of the week: "Children Make Terrible Pets." Friends gave this book many "moose ears" (our highest rating).
Then we headed into Choice Time. This included:

Hammer Art, where friends can make pictures and patterns with geometric shapes that they nail into the cork board.

We had inside/outside choices today. Outside, trampoline was a popular choice.

Others built with magnatiles, opened an ice cream stand and cared for babies - often all at the same time.

Just before lunch, we gathered for story time.

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