Monday, October 22, 2018

Mini Bear Witness Tells a Tale

We had a busy morning of some new toys and puzzles and catching up after our three days apart.

Bear Witness posed with their smaller self and friends.

We took our books back to the library.

Then gathered for a story.

Michelle read, "We're Going on a Bear Hunt."

We checked out new books for our room.

We took some time to read some of them.

After snack, we headed outside and friends posed with BW to put on our blocks.



At Morning Meeting, Mini Bear Witness joined us to tell a story.

They were joined by their newly named friends, Billy Bear and Phoebe Bear.

These two were having a conflict.

The Catbirds had many ideas to help them solve their problem.


Then it was Choice Time. Friends were very excited about the moon sand.

Friends also got to tell their own mini bear stories.

New puzzles provided a challenge for many friends.

A pre-lunch dance.

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