Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Many Studies of Tiny People

Matching puzzle pieces.

Matching patterns.

A variety of vehicles and buildings under construction.

Sharing some writing and drawing skills.

The physics of water.

The physics of balance.

Contemplating geometry and physics.

Chemistry and culinary skills.

Social skills.



Music and rhythm.

For our moment of silence, we quietly contemplated rocks, and then discussed what we noticed about them. Then Carol showed the Catbirds the rock tumbler and explained what we would be putting in it. The Catbirds presented their hypotheses about what might happen to the stones after seven days.
"They will turn...red or pink or green. They will change colors."
"They will get bigger."
"They will get smaller." 
"They will get shinier."
"They might break!"

We shall see.


Choice time.

We went to the kindergarten to pick up Bear Witness and the journal.

Tomorrow we will read about what B.W. witnessed.

Getting our rocks, grit and water in the tumbler.

We discovered that we need more rocks, so we will be starting it up in a couple of days.

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