Monday, September 17, 2018

Reading Stories Critically

There was much excitement when we added some trucks into the sandbox this morning.

Meanwhile, there were many families with babies, who were being chased by dragons in the dramatic play area.

Lots of of fine motor activities today. The Catbirds are learning how to use the pencil sharpener, which requires different grip strength in each hand.

Gluing and learning friends' names.

Snack helper.


Outside in the play area, where water play is a favorite activity.

Our first Book of the Week, "Hey, Little Ant."

Choice Time with some new activities.

Tape art and working with scissors.


Today, we rated our Book of the Week. Friends were fairly split between likes and dislikes. We will be reading it again and then talking with individual Catbirds about the reasons for their specific book rating.

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