Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Meeting Our Fourth Grade Buddies

We gathered this morning to talk about having Meeting for Worship in the music room with the Sparrows, Cardinals and kindergarten classes.

Then we headed over to join our friends for MFW.

Raji started us off by talking about the singing bowl and listening, breathing and feeling calm. We settled briefly into silence and some friends stood to talk about the feeling of peacefulness.

After the quiet, we sang, "This Little Light of Mine." It was a lovely way to begin our day.

Back in the room, we had snack and some time to work on a variety of creations.

Then we headed over to Shana's class to meet our new 4rth grade buddies. 

We sang the, "I've Got a Friend and Her Name is..." song, accompanied by funny faces, so that we could start to learn one another's names.

The fourth graders made very funny faces.

And so did we.

Then it was off to art class.

We got to do painting with our hands and some tools.

Some friends really enjoyed seeing what they could do with all of the tools.

Some friends enjoyed making art with their hands.

Lots of friends did both.

Then we headed outside.

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