Thursday, September 6, 2018

A Busy Day of Introductions

Soon after morning drop off and jobs, Alicia showed up and we gathered for our first Spanish class. 

Everyone introduced themselves, we met one of the important puppets and learned the "Adios, Hasta Luego" song.

We had some snack and some more time to play and get to know each other.

Then Keisha came in for our first music class! We sang some of our favorite songs and she taught us the signs for stand up and sit down.

And we danced!

After a much-needed room clean up, we gathered for morning meeting. We read a class favorite, "Oh No!' The Catbirds were quick to learn their parts and join in.

We reviewed some new choices and how they work.Then it was Choice Time. We had magnatiles.

Trampoline was a very popular choice.

As was flubber making.

Shaving cream was some messy fun!

After we finished making the flubber, we played with it.

Lunch together is quickly becoming a great time of day, then it was time to rest for a bit and listen to some music. Friends who were awake moved to the tables for a variety of fine motor fun to wind up the day. Another lovely day!

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