Friday, September 14, 2018

Fantastic Friday

Every day, Kim has been teaching the Catbirds some new movements, dances and songs and they are loving it!

 Our music area has been expanded and friends are enjoying playing together.

Snack time!

The Catbirds enjoy their time outside. Many friends are testing their physical strengths and skills together.

At morning meeting, we had a brief review of some of the things we've done this week. The rock tumbler is hard at work in the back of the room, and we will be able to open it up at the end of next week to see what has happened. The Catbirds are thinking about where Bear Witness might travel next (although there is a rumor that the second grade may invite BW to meet their teddy bears!)

Kim explained the idea of graphing to the newer Catbirds and asked for helpers to set up a  graph of our choices from the ice cream truck.

At Choice Time, we had our first baking of the year - our specialty, banana bread.

It is a Catbird tradition that, whenever we bake we put some flour on the table and some on our noses. 

Friends working on the ice cream graph.

Duplo construction.

Story time!

Our first scary story of the year! These happen every Friday and always involve something weird coming to life in Carol's house that requires the Catbirds to come and rescue her. The newest Catbirds got right into the groove.

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