Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Our First Adventure!

Some glimpses of yesterday's afternoon table time.

At morning sign in, we continue to work with new friends with some basic writing skills.

Turns out our milk crates make great submarines.

Friends helping to unload new sand in the sandbox.

A young visitor on her birthday.

New buildings are springing up everywhere.

We had meeting for worship in our room today, encouraging friends to still their bodies for one minute as we watched the candle. They did beautifully.

After, we sang, "Peace Like a River."

After snack, we had a meeting to get ready for our adventure, discussing the ways that we could make sure that we stayed safe and had fun.

Then we were off!

We stopped to look for dragons.

Then went through the secret tunnel.

We took some time to walk the wall....

...and leap off of the edge.

We paused at our favorite "restaurant."

A small rest on the giant bench.

We went in search of sticks and treasures.

We found seeds and sticks and rocks.

We arrived at "Step Up Academy" and immediately began to play with new friends.

Right about this time, our camera battery died. Much fun was had by all and we got back just in time for lunch. Many friends fell asleep at naptime!

A little of today's Catbird Jam Session.

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