Friday, September 29, 2017

New Friends and New Places

Some moments from Thursday afternoon's table time.


Just because.


This morning, we had Spanish class.

We learned words for different kinds of transportation.

Then we practiced by swatting th eright picture after Alicia said the word

We headed outside to meet with our third grade partners for the first time. After everyone introduced themselves, we had some time to get to know one another.

Reading books in boxes.

Then we headed off on a walkabout to enjoy this glorious, bug-free day!

We explored a garden we found.

We also found a fallen tree to climb on.

It was a great way to exercise our big muscles and develop our balance.

We also searched for dragons.

We found a dragon tunnel.

We stopped into middle school band and they played us a song that they are just learning.

Back in the room for storytime - "Boot and Shoe."